On December 31st, 2011 Makay was baptized! It was such a special day. Makay was so precious as he nervously walked down the steps into the cool water of the font. He was holding his dad's hand so tightly that his dad's hand was white. He looked up at me with excitement in his eyes and then looked up at Mark with the silent plee to please not drop me dad being communicated. Makay has always been so super sensitive and he took his babtism very seriously. He knew what he was doing and he told me on many occasions to bring it on because he was ready for that step.
My parents were able to come up and celebrate that special day with us and Makay as well as myself, are so thankful that they were able to do that. We had a wonderful second Christmas with them afterward and had wonderful food. My mom stepped in an saved my back as the New Year of Primary was the next day and I was NOT ready. My parents are amazing people who I look up to more than they will probably ever know. They have secured a place of absolute adoration in the hearts of my children and my husband says that they are absolutely the best in-laws anyone could have. He has no idea how pleased that comment makes me when he says it.
I am so thankful for my Makay and his choice to be baptized! I am thankful for my other sweet children and their perfect personalities for me. I needed the personalities they came here to earth with, they keep me on my toes and balance out our home. I am so thankful for a terrific husband!!! He is AMAZING and so much more but above all, he loves me. I am thankful for my wonderful extended family and I know that families are such a wonderful blessing our Father in Heaven has given us to make it through this crazy life.
Slow Cooker Mississippi Sloppy Joes
4 days ago
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