Thursday, July 28, 2011

Oh What Do You Do In The Summertime?

Oh, what do you do in the summer time, when all the world is green? Do you go to a parade, or have picnics with lemonade, or watch as the fireworks light up the sky? Is that what you do, so do I!

Oh, what do you do in the summertime, when all the world is green? Do you spray your siblings or play "Just Dance" on the Wii, because its too hot to run around outside? Is that what you do, so do I.

Oh what do you do in the summertime, when all the world is green? Do you go to Bear Lake to get sunbaked, do you play some All Star Baseball? If that's what you do, you are cool!!!!!!

Yes we've had a busy summertime, oh it certainly wasn't dull, the memories we have made, and the places we have stayed have made our days so full, isn't that what you do when you're out of school?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Once Upon A Time....

Once upon a time, there lived a handsome prince. This prince had traveled far and wide to get the best training possible to become a doctor. In his travels, he searched for a beautiful princess who he could love and marry and share his life with. Alas, although there were many wonderful girls out in the land that he traveled, the prince did not find the princess he longed to share his life with. As his travels took him to the large land of New York City for his final training to become a doctor, fate stepped in... a beautiful princess awaited there. She too was looking for a wonderful prince to share her life with. The prince and princess began a journey of friendship which turned into a beautiful love. The prince knew that he didn't want the beautiful princess to get away and so he asked for her hand in marriage. They were married for all eternity in the beautiful St. George, Utah Temple and they are on their journey now to happily ever after....

Although these pictures that I was so lucky to have taken for this beautiful princess and handsome prince, have taken far too long to edit, I hope they captured the amazing couple that my brother and his beautiful wife are. Congratulations and the rest of the pictures are coming your way in a large envelope!