Thursday, April 16, 2009

Spring Break

We got to have Spring Break over Easter weekend. We had a lot of fun. We went to the park and flew airplanes, played baseball, and every other board game you can think of. We went shopping for badly needed wardrobe updates, I cannot believe how fast these kids are growing. We got to go to some really fun easter egg hunts all around Rexburg and had a really amazing Easter. Makenna loves the pretty colors of easter and thinks that it is designed especially for girls.
On a serious note, I am so grateful for my Savior. He made it possible for me to take my sweet families into the eternities. He gave me the chance to repent and make things right when I have messed up, which sometimes feels like a daily occurance. I am so thankful for Him and His example of pure and eternal love.
We hope that you all had a very happy Easter!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Conference Weekend

So we decided to go out and take some fun pictures in between conference sessions. We had the chance to go to the BYU-I Horticulture Gardens which has changed so much in the past eleven years since we were living here last. We also got the chance to go to the Idaho Falls Temple and the green belt that you can walk around in front of the Temple. It was a fun but very crazy weekend.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Current Pics.

I wanted to get all of the kids pictures done at the same time and since there is so much snow outside and it would have been hard to get out for a photo shoot, I went ahead and ordered pictures through a company in Idaho falls for a quick, current picture of each of the kids. They are cute but I am excited to get out and do some for myself as well. Mason is nine years old now, Matthew is seven, Makay is five years old and Makenna is 18 months.

Makenna's First Haircut!

So I decided that even though I loved Makenna's long hair, it was only long in the back and I didn't want to make her go around with a redneck hair style so I tried something new. I think it looks cute but it was my first time cutting a girl's hair and so I am glad that she is young enough so she can't be too embarrassed by any imperfections.

Our Rexburg Home

We have moved now to Rexburg and we love it! I forgot how insanely cold it is but even considering that, we are still happy to be here. When we got here there was about three feet of snow around the house, then everything melted away and started to warm up. Well, just this morning on April 3rd, we woke up to a foot of new snow and it is still coming down. Life is an adventure here for sure! These pictures are a taste of what our family has been up to here. My boys are sneaking chocolate chips, Makenna is climbing on everything she can in her cute pink dance outfit her Grandma Balzen gave her, etc.