Halloween is always such a busy day, not to mention, the MANY parties, costume contests, carnivals, and trunk or treats leading up to the actual day. We had a fun time! It was cold and there was wind but that just adds to the spooky feel of the night, as leaves blow across the roads and you can hear the wind whistling through the tree tops!
Our Chief of Surgery is looking like he is tolerating his picture being taken so he can get out and get to the fun stuff...poor kid, he knows I am a picture nut and has figured out I will get the pictures in one way or another. Our Boise State fan is just more than happy to pose for the camera in hopes that many people will get to see his Boise State Pride!!! Then there is Thor! This little Thor lived up to his super hero status. He flexed for everyone who came by...he was so proud of the built in muscles. He pretended to bring down the thunder on those who bothered him that night, and in general, he had a ball! Then we come to our Fairy Princess Ballerina, that's right, she wanted to be all three so badly that we gave in and just combined it all together. She was so happy as she literally ran from house to house the WHOLE night. She had Mason doubled over on the steps of the last house, trying to catch his breath from trying to keep up with her. Mark and I traded off running next to her because she didn't care where anybody was at, she was on a candy mission! It was so fun!
We had gone swimming just a few days prior, to Green Canyon Hot Springs where there is a pool of freezing cold water. This small pool is there to cool off after sitting in the over 100*F jacuzzi. Well there was a lot of daring and yes betting going on as to who would get in. Mark and I bet eachother that whoever could get in and go all of the way under, would get a back massage. He didn't end up doing it as he put his legs in and jumped out yelling how cold it was. I ended up doing it, probably not the smartest thing but fun! Then I got the bright idea to dare my kids to do it. They responded that if they did, I had to dress up for halloween. I agreed knowing that there was no way they would make it all the way under that horribly cold water...two of them proved me wrong, so I got to go dressed up for Halloween. I went as a gypsy and had to even go up to houses with them and say, "Trick or Treat." They loved it and I secretly did too.
Later, we went home where the parents collapsed and watched the kids dump out all of their loot and proceed to put the New York Stock Exchange to shame by the amount of bargaining and dealing they were doing over candy. It was a good night, we had fun and we are so thankful for eachother and these memories we made together as we laughed, sweat, ran what felt like a marathon, and enjoyed delicious treats and laughter afterwards.
Slow Cooker Mississippi Sloppy Joes
1 day ago
Everyone looks great!
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