This little girl has been such a light to this little family of ours. Not to say that she hasn't kept her poor brothers on their toes and her parents running to keep her safe from herself, more times than we can count. She is so happy and LOVES life. It was so fun and so hard at the same time to celebrate her fourth birthday on the 29th of this month. She has grown up so fast and I am not sure what to think about that but it has been a joy getting here, in her life, with her. Happiest birthday my sweet little Makenna!
Four things that I absolutely love and appreciate about this girl are:
1. Makenna is HAPPY! If she has a sad moment, she looks at her brothers, her dad, or I and if we make a funny face, her sadness is over. I don't think this will last as she gets into her teenage years, but I would love it if this glorious trait did.
2. Makenna loves to be a girl! She dresses up, she gets out my make-up, she puts on my high-heels, you name it, she loves the girly things in life. It is so fun to play with her and dress her up because she lets me and loves it!
3. Makenna can be rough and tumbly when she needs to be. Having three older brothers does not allow for a whole lot of girly play, when they are around. This girl can and will wrestle with her brothers. She has even learned how to throw a pretty good right hook. I am not condoning the right hook, especially when it gets used on her brother, at church, in Primary, but it does make me and HER DAD proud that she can take care of herself.
4. Makenna is my little girl! I have this troop of wonderful boys that I couldn't love more if I had to. They are so special to me. I thought I was good with that but Heavenly Father knew I needed something else. He sent this beautiful little girl to us. Her pink things float around in a sea of boys shirts, pants, socks, and yes, underthings. Her soft, long hair gets caught in those same boys brushes, which they tell me, is a pain to take out. She is the flower in our garden and I am so grateful she came to complete this little family and make us whole.
I love you soooo much Makenna!
Slow Cooker Mississippi Sloppy Joes
4 days ago
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