This past Monday, my sweetheart turned thirty-four! He was not too excited about that and the fact that he had 5 meetings at work that day but we tried to live it up when he got home!
When he got home, he was greeted by an all out paper heart attack!! There were hearts everywhere that told him reasons why we love and appreciate him.
He got some fun gifts and just lit up our home with his excitement! He got to do a few things that usually take the back burner with all of the things our kids always need to get done so I hope he had a very special day!
There are far too many reasons why I absolutely love and adore this man to list on this post. Here are just few of the major things I Love about him:
*Mark is a happy person and he can light up whatever room he enters.
*Mark makes my hardest times seem so temporary and fills me with hope and a happiness I wouldn't have otherwise while going through the pressures and trials this world constantly throws at us.
*Mark is such an amazing dad! The kids look forward for him to get home! He really relates to them and they know and love that!
*Mark has such a beautiful testimony of the Gospel. It is straight forward without all of the fancy frills some people feel they have to stick into a testimony! He knows who he is, where he comes from, where he wants to go someday and he makes no secret of the fact that he wants all of us together with him forever and he pushes us to attain that, no matter how difficult, when it comes to his forever imperfect wife who likes to push his buttons a lot!
*Mark works hard! We have had some very low times and some high. We have had times and still do, when money seems stretched so thin it seems non-existant and Mark has always made sure that we are okay! He has worked jobs he would never go back to again unless he HAD to; however, he worked just as hard for those as he has to get a degree and he does now at his current job! I am so grateful for that and he will probably never know how completely I am indebted to him that he has done that for us!
* Above all, Mark still loves me despite the twelve years of flaws he has seen, the melt downs when times got too tough, and my constant craving to compete and tease with him about everything. He loves me for it all and has been so good to me. I love you Mark more than I could ever say in words! Happy, happy 34th year!
Slow Cooker Mississippi Sloppy Joes
4 days ago
I love all the pictures!! We are both so grateful for your whole family! Glad you had a great anniversary!
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