As soon as the baseball season wound down in May, Mason was asked to play on the All-Star team for Sugar City! Little did we know what was coming but through all of the practices, trips, sunburns, hotel rooms, and equipment costs, we had so much fun taking this journey with Mason this Summer!
We got to travel to St. Anthony for the first game, which is only 15 minutes from our home. Then we got to go to Driggs Idaho which is pressed smack dab up against the Teton Mountains...could it get anymore beautiful? Finally we made our way south to Bear Lake near Montpelier, Idaho. This was the ultimate trip and we had sooooo much fun catching some serious rays, waves, and baseballs.
After a 3 hour game between us (Sugar City) and Rexburg, we beat them soundly and went to the lake for some cooling off and relaxation! What a blast watching this team pull together and play even outside of Baseball. Mason's little brothers and sister loved it all too!
We finished all of this Allstar Madness off with 2nd Place trophies and some of the greatest memories ever!! We are looking forward to getting back next year to see these boys and play some more ball!
Slow Cooker Mississippi Sloppy Joes
4 days ago
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