Let me just start off by saying that I am so thankful for my Savior and this wonderful time of year that we can celebrate His birth. What a blessing to know His plan for each of us and KNOW that He loves us.
We had a pretty nice Christmas. We were not able to go down to Colorado to be with my family like we had planned due to car trouble. I cannot convey the drama and very upset family that we had because of it but we made the best of the situation and had a pretty nice day. The kids dressed up and did the Christmas story. Makay and Makenna were Joseph and Mary...SO CUTE!!! Poor Mark was the donkey but he did a very nice job of not bucking little Mary off. Mason and Matthew were the Shepherds and wise men, they had a busy night. I got to read the story and fix costumes the entire time but it went well and the kids enjoyed making the story personal. We had a Merry Christmas and enjoyed spending time together as a family.
Slow Cooker Mississippi Sloppy Joes
4 days ago
I'm sorry that you couldn't be with your family, that must have been disappointing..but it looks like you guys had fun with each other. We are wanting to come visit the first weekend in Feb possibly...let me know if that works for you.
What a bummer about not making it to Colorado but it looks like you all made the most of it and had a wonderful Christmas anyway. Thank you for the beautiful Christmas card & newsletter. Made me miss your cute family. I can't believe how big everyone is, especially Makenna. What a doll. Happy New Year to you!
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