The room was silent, so silent you could hear a pin drop. The judge read out the word, "simultaneously." The room seemed to get even quieter as the tall fifth grader leaned nervously down to the too short microphone for his tall legs. He took a deep breath, repeated the judges word and began slowly. The young girl sat behind him with her hands wadded nervously into fists, wanting him to mess up, and get it right, all at the same time. The young boy finished with a nervous shaking in his voice and looked up at the judge. "That is correct young man, you are our first place Spelling Champion!" The boy turned around as a smile slowly broke across his face, the judges words sinking in. He had done it! He had won the Spelling Bee. His parents smiled and clapped with so much pride for him showing in their eyes, and a little embarrassing tears showing in his moms eyes. He saw now what his parents were trying to tell him. It is not how hard or impossible a task may seem, it is about attacking it head on and just doing it because you will be happy, win or lose, that you tried!
Slow Cooker Mississippi Sloppy Joes
3 days ago