Football season has begun!!! Mason is having soooo much fun playing and to top off the fact that he is playing a sport he has looked forward to forever, he also gets his dad as his head coach! Mason has already had to have x-rays, been buried by piles of his rival teams, and had his body smashed, poked, scratched, and pulled and he loves the game even more because of it!! I have not figured out how a game that causes so much pain could be not just loved but looked forward to, but I have really enjoyed watching my little boy grow and change because of this responsibility and challenge. A side note, Mason's team has still not gotten their jerseys that we paid way too much for (NO COMMENT) so, he is either wearing a blue Boise State shirt or the #91 Cureton Jersey. I told him that I won't recognize him when he has his own jersey because I will still be looking for #91 Cureton. This is a fun time and I love sharing it with him and the rest of our family!
Slow Cooker Mississippi Sloppy Joes
3 days ago