We had the chance to go sledding on New Years day! We had so much fun. We went out to the sand dunes and sank up to our waists in snow! The sledding was so fun and we didn't stop until we were all so cold that we couldn't feel our faces! It was great!
Makenna and Makay had so much fun and couldn't get enough turns sledding. They are always so happy and make everything we do hilarious!
Matthew is our little dare devil! I had to beg him not to snowboard down the tallest hill. Mark wasn't pleased but I didn't want to watch him roll down that big of a hill. Matthew just ate it up!
Mason ate some serious snow on one of his turns down. He loved it but he was covered in snow by the time he got down that hill!
Mark is showing us all how it should be done!
My boys are watching as their mother screams all the way down the hill. They were so proud to be related to me at that particular moment!
Slow Cooker Mississippi Sloppy Joes
3 days ago